Idearc Media Bankruptcy
Documents of interest to creditors and parties in interest of Idearc Media's bankruptcy proceeding.
Idearc has not listed in its disclosure statement the consumers that have been injured by it and its predecessors business practices. 3 listings, 533 views |
Shareholders that have filed documents in the bankruptcy proceeding. 1 listing, 468 views |
2 listings, 578 views |
Transcripts of proceedings in the Idearc bankruptcy 2 listings, 519 views |
May 18, 2009 - Motion of OCC to Not Disclose All Information to Unsecured Creditors
On April 14, 2009 (the “Committee Appointment Date”), the Office of the United States Trustee formally appointed the Committee. The members of the IDEARC OCC are as follows: a. U.S. Bank, N.A., b. Ahab Capital Management, Inc., c. Smith Management LLC d. Techniservice, e. Communication Workers of America, f. RR Donnelly Credit Services The Committee purports to represent the interests of all the Debtors’ general unsecured creditors. 2 listings, 532 views |
15 listings, 631 views |
Category Stats
Subcategories: 6
Listings: 1 (26 counting subcategories)
Regular: 1
Last listing added: 04/06/09
Listings: 1 (26 counting subcategories)
Regular: 1
Last listing added: 04/06/09