California Unpublished Decisions
A decision regarding attempted to commit a lewd and lascivious act on one girl, and to have committed a lewd and lascivious act on another girl.
A decision regarding termiation of parental rights.
A decision regarding possession of cocaine for sale and was personally armed with a firearm.
A decision regarding terminating parental rights.
A criminal law decision regarding robbery and assault with a firearm.
A decision regarding lewd conduct with a child, aggravated sexual assault of a child (rape) and forcible lewd acts upon a child.
A decision as to declaring childs dependents of the court.
A decision regarding forcible rape; a lewd and lascivious act with a child under age 14 with force; lewd and lascivious act with a child under age 14.
A decision regarding continuous sexual abuse of a five-year-old child, child molestation and substantial sexual conduct.
A criminal law decision regarding murder with use of a firearm causing great bodily injury and death.
A decision regarding malpractice, intentional infliction of emotional distress, willful misconduct and elder abuse and survivorship.
A decision regarding violating several probation orders.
A criinal law decision regarding possessing methamphetamine for sale.
A decision regarding corporal injury to spouse and making terrorist threats.