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Riverside Sheriffs Assn. v. County of Riverside
The Riverside Sheriffs Association (RSA) appeals from the trial courts order denying its petition for writ of mandate. RSA requested that the court order the County of Riverside (County) to meet and confer with RSA, as authorized under the Meyers Milias Brown Act (MMBA) (Gov. Code, 3500 et seq.), to establish the appropriate procedures for a name-clearing hearing for a probationary officer. RSAs request to meet and confer arose out of this courts prior unpublished disposition in the case, Madrigal v. County of Riverside (E037113), which was filed on October 19, 2005. In that case, Court held that, although Xavier Martin Madrigal, a former probationary officer with the Riverside Sheriffs Department, was not entitled to challenge his termination because of his probationary status, he should have been afforded an administrative appeal under the former section 3304, subdivision (b). The County maintained that it had no obligation to bargain with RSA under the MMBA. The trial court agreed and denied the writ of mandate. As discussed below, Court also conclude that the County had no duty to meet and confer with RSA to determine the procedures for an administrative appeal for a probationary officer under section 3304, subdivision (b). The judgment is affirmed.

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