EspicopalChurch Cases
This appeal, G036730, arises out of the same basic facts as set forth in the opinion we publish concurrently, Episcopal Church Cases (June, 2007, G036096, G036408, G036868) Cal.App.4th. The published opinion involves a Newport Beach parish. This case involves two local parishes from Los Angeles County (also of the Los Angeles Diocese of the Episcopal Church) who have also chosen to disaffiliate themselves from the Diocese and national church. The two parishes are in Long Beach (All Saints) and North Hollywood (St. Davids). In each instance the Los Angeles Diocese filed suit to establish that the property held by the local parish corporations was held in trust for the Diocese. Normally, the two cases would have been considered by the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, but one of the directors of All Saints in Long Beach is Justice Fred Woods of the Second Appellate District, so the two cases were transferred to the Superior Court of Orange County, where they were considered together with the case involving the Newport Beach parish considered in the published opinion. The judgments are reversed. Further proceedings shall be consistent with the published opinion.
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