Estate of Olvera
When Guadalupe Rios Olvera (Guadalupe) died, title to her home was held by her adult daughter and son-in-law, Beatriz and Samuel Stotzer. Legal title to the property initially had been transferred by Guadalupe to Guadalupes brother, Jose Luis Rios Ramirez (Jose Luis) who ultimately transferred title to the Stotzers.
Anna Olvera, another daughter of Guadalupe and the administrator of her estate, brought a petition to determine that, although the Stotzers held legal title to the house, beneficial title was held by Guadalupe and therefore passed to her estate. A bench trial was held. The trial court determined that when Guadalupe had transferred title to Jose Luis, it was understood that legal title alone had transferred to Jose Luis, and Guadalupe had retained equitable title. The trial court further determined that when Jose Luis had transferred title to the Stotzers, it was similarly understood that Guadalupe had retained equitable title. The trial court therefore entered judgment reconveying the property to Guadalupes estate and distributing the property equally among her children. The Stotzers appeal, arguing the evidence is insufficient to support the trial courts judgment. Court disagree and affirm.
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