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P. v. Law
Pursuant to the trial courts offer, and over the prosecutors objection, defendant Audry Wayne Law pleaded no contest to two felonies: driving under the influence of alcohol with three prior convictions (Veh. Code, 23152, subd. (a), 23550, subd. (a)) and driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent or more with three prior convictions (id., 23152, subd. (b), 23550, subd. (a)). Defendant admitted the three prior convictions alleged. The trial court suspended imposition of sentence and placed defendant on probation for three years. Defendant appeals.
We appointed counsel to represent defendant in this court. Appointed counsel filed an opening brief which states the case and the facts but raises no specific issues. We notified defendant of his right to submit written argument in his own behalf within 30 days. That period has elapsed and Court have received no written argument from defendant.

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