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"$id"."[,]". time() .'[END]'; } if ($linksread && strlen($linksread) > 1900) { $linksread = ''; } makecookie('commentsread', $linksread, time() + 999999); // troublesome for opera somehow if ($switches['detailcomments'] && !$format) { include 'includes/detailandcomments.php'; } else { if ($format == 'usernotes' && paramset('modnote')) maketemplate('usernotes.tpl'); else if ($format == 'usernotes') maketemplate('guestbook.tpl'); else if ($format == 'savedcollection') maketemplate('savedcollection.tpl'); else if ($format == 'events') maketemplate('eventcomments.tpl'); else maketemplate('viewcomments.tpl'); if ($thislink->objecttype == 'link' && $thislink->expire > 0 && $thislink->expire < time()) $template->text = '