Grist Creek Aggregates v. Mendocino County Air
After the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District (District) approved an application by Grist Creek Aggregates, LLC (Grist Creek) for a permit to construct a “Crumb Rubber Heating and Blending Unit” for the production of rubberized asphalt, Friends of Outlet Creek (Friends), a neighborhood environmental group, appealed to the District’s Hearing Board (Hearing Board or Board). The four members of the Board who considered the appeal split evenly on their vote, and as a consequence, the Board stated no further action would be taken, leaving the permit in place. Friends filed a petition for writ of administrative mandate in the trial court, claiming that Grist Creek should have conducted an environmental review and that the District and Hearing Board violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et seq.) and District regulations by failing to order Grist Creek to conduct one.
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