Cheung v. City of Beverly Hills CA2/1
Real party in interest 1535 Carla Ridge of Louisiana (Carla Ridge) sought a building permit from the City of Beverly Hills (the City) in order to construct a single-family residence in the City’s Trousdale Estates area, known for its panoramic views. To preserve residents’ views, the Beverly Hills Municipal Code (BHMC) generally prohibits any new structure in Trousdale Estates from being taller than 14 feet above the grade upon which it stands, and also prohibits new grading that increases the elevation of an existing building pad. Rose Cheung, Carla Ridge’s upslope neighbor, objected to Carla Ridge’s project on the ground that it would result in a structure over 14 feet high on an elevated building pad. The City’s Planning Department nevertheless approved Carla Ridge’s plans, and over the next year the project was largely completed. During and after construction, Cheung requested that the City hold public hearings on the project.
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