In re Daniel D. CA2/1
On September 1, 2016, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) received a referral regarding Juana C. (mother). According to the reporting party, mother lived with her one-year old child, Daniel D. at the maternal grandmother’s home and was not adequately caring for Daniel D. According to the reporting party, mother would not bathe, change, or feed the child. Because mother fed Daniel D. only Cheetos and formula, the child had been reduced to eating things he found on the floor. The reporting party also stated that mother was away from home all night while claiming to be at work and that she used methamphetamine and marijuana, both in the past and recently. She was also physically aggressive and easily agitated. As a teenager, mother had been diagnosed with severe depression and placed on psychiatric holds several times following episodes where she harmed herself or threatened to harm herself.
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