Yap v. Kho CA2/2
A family court adjudicating a marital dissolution found that a husband’s business no longer held an interest in its sole venture, and on that basis declined to award the wife any compensation for that business. After the dissolution became final in 2007, the husband sued his business partner for not splitting the venture’s profits with him. Once wife learned that husband had not been truthful during the dissolution case regarding his continuing interest in the venture, wife (1) moved to reopen the dissolution case, and (2) filed a civil lawsuit against husband, his partner, and his partner’s spouse. The civil suit eventually went to trial in 2015, and was dismissed. Wife appeals. We conclude that the civil suit was properly dismissed, but that wife’s motion to reopen the dissolution case was properly filed and remains to be litigated. We remand the dissolution case to the family court for further proceedings.
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