Hills for Everyone v. OSLIC Holdings CA4/3
The Madrona Project is a proposed development of 162 “executive” homes on the hillsides above Carbon Canyon in the City of Brea (the City). The Madrona Project was proposed by OSLIC Holdings, LLC (OSLIC), the appellant in this appeal, and opposed by, among others, Hills for Everyone, Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks, the California Native Plant Society, and the Sierra Club (collectively, HFE), the respondents in this appeal. In 2014, the Brea City Council approved the Madrona Project by enacting resolutions certifying a final environmental impact report prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code section 21000 et seq. (CEQA), approving a tentative tract map, making CEQA findings, and adopting a statement of overriding considerations.
Comments on Hills for Everyone v. OSLIC Holdings CA4/3