Boss Litho, Inc. v. Coshima USA Imports CA2/8
Owned by plaintiff Jean Paul Nataf, plaintiff Boss Litho, Inc. (together Boss Litho), is in the design and printing business. Owned by defendant Annie Lin, defendant Coshima USA Imports doing business as Creative Ideas (together Coshima) sells gift wrapping supplies. In 2013, Boss Litho began preparing a catalog for Coshima as Boss Litho’s predecessor had done in the past. The relationship turned acrimonious and the project fell apart, leading Boss Litho to sue Coshima to obtain payment for work done and Coshima to cross-complain for breach of contract and intentional infliction of emotion distress. After a bench trial, the trial court issued a statement of decision and judgment awarding damages to Coshima on its cross-complaint, subject to an “offset” for work performed by Boss Litho.
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