P. v. Meskin CA4/3
A jury found defendant Nader Meskin guilty of three counts of grand theft (Pen. Code § 487, subd. (a)), and found true an allegation that one of the thefts was in an amount exceeding $100,000 (§ 1203.045, subd. (a)), and also found true a sentencing enhancement allegation that defendant intentionally took, damaged, and destroyed property valued at over $50,000 (former § 12022.6, subd. (a)(1)). The court sentenced defendant to four years in county jail on the first count (a three-year upper term, plus one year for the excess taking enhancement) and ordered that two years be spent in custody in county jail followed by two years on mandatory supervision. The sentence was stayed on the remaining counts under section 654. As part of his sentence, defendant was ordered to pay a restitution fine under section 1202.4 and a mandatory supervision revocation restitution fine under section 1202.45.
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