P. v. Watkins CA2/3
On the evening of June 16, 2016, Wynn Chilton was sitting at a computer in the computer room of the housing complex where he lived. He looked through the glass wall of the room and saw another resident of the complex, defendant Dennis Watkins, pull a wooden planter box in the courtyard down onto the ground. There were four such wooden planters in the courtyard. Residents who liked to garden planted herbs and strawberries in the boxes and tended the plants. Chilton saw Watkins destroy one planter. Five to 10 minutes later, Chilton went into the courtyard and saw that two more planter boxes had been destroyed. Surveillance video showed Watkins pulling down and destroying one or more of the boxes. That same evening, Los Angeles Police Department patrol officer Marco Salas was driving his patrol car in the area. Watkins flagged Salas down. Watkins told Salas that another tenant in the apartment complex had been harassing him. Watkins wanted Salas to speak to the manager.
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