Alvarado Hospital, LLC v. Blue Shield of Cal. etc.
The trial court granted a petition for coordination of four cases: (1) Prime Healthcare Services—Montclair, LLC, doing business as Montclair Hospital Medical Center (Montclair Hospital) sued California Physicians’ Service, doing business as Blue Shield of California (Blue Shield) and Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company (Blue Life); (2) Prime Healthcare Services—Shasta, LLC, doing business as Shasta Regional Medical Center (Shasta Hospital), sued Blue Shield and Blue Life; (3) Veritas Health Services, Inc., doing business as Chino Valley Medical Center (Chino Hospital), sued Blue Shield and Blue Life; and (4) Alvarado Hospital, LLC, doing business as Alvarado Hospital Medical Center (Alvarado Hospital), sued Blue Shield and Blue Life.
Montclair Hospital, Shasta Hospital, Chino Hospital, and Alvarado Hospital (collectively. the Hospitals) brought two causes of action: (1) quantum meruit, and (2) money due.
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