Wimberly v. Kearney CA3
Plaintiff Larry Wimberly sued the County of Sacramento, its child welfare agencies, and six of its employees for defamation. Defendants are the County of Sacramento (County), the former Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services (now Sacramento County Department of Child, Family and Adult Services) (DHHS), the former department’s Child Protective Services Division (CPS), Sheila Kearney, Yong Ueda, Lisa Boulger, Sheryl Matranga, Michelle Callejas, and Ann Edwards (collectively defendants).
Wimberly alleged the employees committed libel, slander, and other torts against him when, in dependency proceedings involving his children, they reported that the children and their caretaker said he raped his daughter and struck the children’s mother while she was pregnant. Plaintiff alleged the defamation also occurred when one of the employees questioned him about the allegations in the presence of another person.
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