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In re Coleman K.
Appellant admitted allegations, contained in a supplemental juvenile wardship petition that he violated terms and conditions of probation granted in a previous wardship petition by being discharged from the Day Reporting Center for “lack of progress” evidenced by multiple disciplinary referrals, unexcused absences and positive drug tests. Following a disposition hearing, the court ordered appellant continued on probation and committed to the juvenile hall’s Ashjian Treatment Center for a period not to exceed 120 days, and declared a maximum period of physical confinement (MPPC) of three years four months, based on offenses adjudicated in previous wardship proceedings. Specifically, the MPPC consists of three years on a 2005 felony second degree burglary adjudication and four months on a 2005 adjudication of misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon or by means of force likely to cause great bodily injury.
On appeal, appellant contends the court erroneously failed to exercise its discretion in setting the MPPC. Court affirmed.

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