Abounassar v. Stay Green CA2/1
Charles Abounassar resides with his wife, Anne Marie Martens, in their home in Haskell Canyon Ranch in Santa Clarita. Their lot abuts a landscaped hillside owned by defendant and respondent Haskell Canyon Ranch Homeowners Association (Association), of which Abounassar is a member.
In the wee hours of March 30, 2014, Abounassar awoke and went to use his bathroom. The floor was wet, causing him to slip and fall, sustaining injuries. He and his wife, who was awakened by the commotion, eventually ascertained the water came from a broken sprinkler on the adjacent hillside, which had caused water to spray into their open bathroom window. The sprinkler break also caused water to flow into the couple’s backyard. The couple called the fire department to ask it to turn off the water. The responding firefighters gave the broken sprinkler head to the couple, and placed a flower pot over the sprinkler pipe to shield the couple’s property from additional spray.
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