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P. v. Sanderson CA3
Defendant Edward Lee Sanderson, Sr., pleaded no contest to criminal threats (Pen. Code, § 422) and admitted a strike allegation (§§ 1170.12, subds. (a)-(d), 667, subds. (b)-(i)). Sentencing defendant on this and two unrelated cases, the trial court imposed an eight-year state prison term. (In a subsequent proceeding, the trial court ordered defendant to pay $12,911.36 in victim restitution for the cost of a security system.)
On appeal, defendant contends the restitution award was unauthorized because he was not convicted of a violent felony. Since the victim restitution was for the purchase of a security system for a place of business rather than a residence, defendant’s claim is without merit. In addition, relying on a recent decision from this court, we conclude conviction of a violent felony is not a prerequisite to victim restitution for the cost of a security system. We affirm the restitution order.

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