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P. v. Ignacio CA2/2
Rodrigo Ignacio appeals the judgment entered following a jury trial in which he was convicted of attempted second degree robbery (count 1; Pen. Code, § 664/211), resisting an executive officer (count 3; § 69), and battery upon a peace officer (count 4 ; § 243, subd. (b)). Appellant admitted, and the court found true, a 2014 conviction for robbery, which was alleged as a prior serious felony conviction under section 667, subdivision (a)(1), and a prior serious and/or violent felony conviction under the Three Strikes law (§§ 667, subd. (b)–(j), 1170.12). The trial court granted appellant’s Romero motion, and imposed an aggregate sentence of 7 years in state prison, consisting of the low term of 16 months on count 1, plus 5 years pursuant to section 667, subdivision (a)(1), and one-third the mid term of 24 months for an additional 8 months on count 4.
Appellant contends: (1) the prosecution’s failure timely to provide the defense with the body camera video of appellant

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