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Head v. Bd. of Trustees of Cal. State Univ.
Appellant, who was a student in San Jose State University's teaching credential program, filed a " petition for writ of mandate and/or prohibition or other relief" against respondents California State University's Board of Trustees, San Jose State University's Interim President Don W. Kassing, Dean Susan Meyers of the University's School of Education, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Secondary Education Cathy Buell, and Associate Professor Helen Kress. Appellant sought review of the university's denial of a revised October 28, 2004 grievance filed with the university in regard to a course entitled " Social, Philosophical and Multicultural Foundations of Secondary Education" (EDSC 172A), which had been taught by respondent Kress in the fall 2003 semester. The grievance challenged the curriculum, his assigned grade, and the treatment he received during the course. It also challenged, on free speech and due process vagueness grounds, the Secondary Education Department's "professional dispositions," which candidates in the teaching credential program are expected to demonstrate as they progress through the single subject credential program.
Appellant's grievance had been rejected by the university's Student Fairness Committee (SFC). One of the responsibilities of the SFC is to hear "complaints of violations of student rights in instructional and curricular matters, including grade appeals . . . ." The SFC denied appellant's grievance petition, finding, among other things, that appellant had not shown his right to free speech had been violated or he was entitled to a change of grade.
In sum, appellant has not established the trial court erred in denying relief. (See Denham v. Superior Court (1970) 2 Cal.3d 557, 564 [error must be affirmatively shown on appeal].)
The trial court's order, filed June 27, 2005, denying appellant's petition is affirmed.

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