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P. v. Bloom
After the trial court found defendant competent to stand trial, Bloom entered negotiated guilty pleas to assault with intent to rape (Pen. Code, S 220) and assault with a deadly weapon (S 245, subd. (a)(1)). Defendant admitted personally using a knife during the crimes, a prior strike (SS 667, subds. (b)(i), 1170.12, 668) and two prior serious felony convictions (S 667, subd. (a)(1)), and waived the right to appeal any stipulated sentence. The court sentenced him to a stipulated 25 years in prison: double the six year upper term for assault with intent to rape with a prior strike, enhanced by two five year terms for the prior serious felony convictions and one year for weapon use, with a consecutive two years for assault with a deadly weapon with a prior strike (one third the middle term). The court awarded credit for time served and denied a certificate of probable cause. (Cal. Rules of Court, former rule 30(b).)

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