P. v. Bell CA2/4
Appellant Jonathon Osha Bell and his codefendant Joe Taylor were convicted of robbing Robyn P., her roommate Reanon G., and her grandmother Virginia P. in the early morning hours of August 16, 2016, and of robbing Katherine L. later that morning. According to the victims, the robberies were executed in a similar manner: Taylor arranged a meeting with a transgender sex worker (first Robyn, then Katherine) through an online advertisement, entered her apartment alone, threatened her with a gun (later determined to be a realistic-looking pellet gun), and called in Bell to join him in taking the victims’ property and dissuading them from reporting the crimes. The day after the robberies, Bell was arrested in his car, which resembled one seen in surveillance video to have parked near Katherine’s apartment shortly before she was robbed. Katherine’s phone was found in Bell’s car. Many of the victims’ possessions were found in Bell’s and Taylor’s homes, and the men’s DNA and fin
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