Cal. School Employees etc. v. Stockton Unified
Appellant California School Employees Association (CSEA) brought a petition for writ of mandate to stop the practice of respondent Stockton Unified School District of docking employees for salary advances when it was subsequently determined that an employee was absent and did not have available paid leave to cover the time not worked. The District issues a pay warrant around the twenty-first of the month based on the employee’s salary for the month and pays the employee that amount at the end of the month. When the District determines that after the twenty-first an employee was not at work and did not have paid leave available to cover that time, the District docks the employee’s pay accordingly. CSEA contends that these deductions are permissible only if the employee consents in writing or the District obtains a judicial order for wage garnishment.
The District’s practice was the subject of another mandamus petition that CSEA filed in 2004 alleging that the District docked the p
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