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Scot t v. County of Los Angeles
A jury found that plaintiff had been subjected to a hostile work environment due to sexual harassment by defendant and awarded her damages of $100,000 against Austin and defendants County of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (collectively, County). Defendant moved for $456,425 in attorney fees -- a lodestar of $228,212.50, with a multiplier of two -- under Government Code section 12965, subdivision (b) (section 12965(b)) and Code of Civil Procedure section 1021.5 (section 1021.5). Finding 'compelling justification for limiting fees to no greater than the monetary [damages] award given by the jury," the trial court awarded Scott attorney fees in the amount of $100,000.
court reverse the order awarding attorney fees and remand the matter for a determination of the reasonable attorney fees under the lodestar adjustment method.

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