Young v. Luxury Estates Group CA4/3
There is an old saying that comes to mind in reviewing the present case: “Never buy a pig in a poke.” This saying refers to something that is bought without being first inspected and thus is of unknown authenticity or quality.
San Francisco real estate investor Luke Stickney decided to roll the dice one day in July 2017 and purchase a 40-acre parcel, sight unseen, from an eBay auction site for $25,000. He was told by the seller, who heretofore had been unknown to him, that the sale had to close immediately, and there was no time to pull a title report. Within one week of the bid, Stickney’s company, appellant Luxury Estates Group (LEG), received a deed to a property he knew nothing about.
As these stories so often go, things did not go smoothly for Stickney from there, as he soon found himself on the receiving end of a lawsuit from the respondent, Elizabeth Young. It turns out the seller from whom Stickney had purchased the parcel did not actually own it.
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