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P. v. Leonardo
Defendant appeals from a conviction of one count of driving under the influence of alcohol with a prior conviction (count 1; Veh. Code, SS 23152, subd. (a) and 23550.5, subd. (a)); one count of driving with a blood alcohol level of .08 or above with a prior conviction (count 2; Veh. Code, SS 23152, subd. (b) and 23550.5, subd. (b)); one count of child endangerment (count 3; Pen. Code, S 273a, subd. (a)); one count of resisting arrest (count 4; Pen. Code, S 148, subd. (a)); and two counts of driving with a suspended license (counts 5 & 6; Veh. Code, SS 14601.1, subd. (a) & 14601.5, subd. (a)). In a bifurcated proceeding, the court found true the allegation of the prior conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs causing injury (Veh. Code, S 23153, subd. (a)). Defendant was sentenced to a total of four years.
On appeal, Defendant claims the trial court erred in admitting hearsay testimony in violation of his Sixth Amendment right to confrontation within the meaning of Crawford v. Washington (2004) 541 U.S. 36 (Crawford).
The judgment is affirmed.

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