In re S.R. CA1/5
In 2014, mother’s four other children, S.R.’s half siblings, were removed from mother and their father, J.J., due to mother’s substance abuse and mental health issues and J.J.’s failure to protect them from mother. Mother received family reunification services, and J.J. received family maintenance services. In June 2015, a psychological evaluation of mother concluded that mother was unlikely to benefit from further reunification services within the legal time frame for reunification and that she would likely require a residential treatment program to address her mental health and substance abuse issues. In July 2015, the dependency case was closed and J.J. was granted sole physical and legal custody of the children.
In September 2015, S.R.’s half siblings were again removed from their parents’ care due to domestic violence and J.J.’s failure to protect the children. At the time, mother was living in the home with J.J. and the children in violation of a court order.
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