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P. v. Stiles CA2/6
Chelsea Stiles appeals a judgment following conviction of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated; assault with a deadly weapon (four counts); leaving the scene of a vehicle collision; child abuse with personal use of a deadly weapon (motor vehicle); and possession of a controlled substance. (Pen. Code, §§ 191.5, subd. (a), 245, subd. (a)(1), 273a, subd. (a), 12022, subd. (b)(1); Veh. Code, § 20001, subd. (a); Health & Saf. Code, § 11350, subd. (a).) This appeal concerns Stiles’s traffic collisions with two vehicles in the early evening of December 1, 2019. Stiles rammed into the back of a vehicle containing four members of the DiCarlo family, disabling their vehicle, and forcing them from the roadway. Seconds later, Stiles drove into the opposing traffic lane at high speed and collided with a vehicle driven by Terry Tilton. That collision resulted in a “fireball” explosion, killing Tilton immediately. Following the collision, laboratory testing of Stile’s blood rev

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