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In re A.R. CA6
C.G. and the mother met in 2016. The two lived together in a tumultuous relationship marked by substance abuse, untreated mental health issues, and mutual verbal and physical violence. In early 2020, C.G. and the mother separated.
In February 2020, the mother began a relationship with E.S., and the two moved in together. The mother became pregnant. E.S. accompanied the mother to some of her prenatal appointments. At one such appointment at Stanford University, “the medical provider informed both [E.S.] and [the mother] that no heartbeat was found.” The mother was told she may have had a miscarriage. Believing she was no longer pregnant, the mother stopped going to prenatal appointments. E.S. also believed the mother was not pregnant. In May 2020, E.S. and the mother separated.

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