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P. v. Rodriguez
Defendant was convicted of six counts of second degree robbery and one count of attempted robbery arising out of a series of similar crimes that took place between March 6 and 16, 2005.
Defendant has appealed his convictions and this court appointed counsel to represent him. Counsel has filed a brief under the authority of People v. Wende (1979) 25 Cal.3d 436 and Anders v. State of California (1967) 386 U.S. 738 [87 S.Ct. 1396, 18 L.Ed.2d 493], setting forth a statement of the case, a summary of the facts, and potential arguable issues, and requesting this court undertake a review of the entire record.
Court offered defendant an opportunity to file a personal supplemental brief and he has provided one in the form of a personal letter.
Court begin independent review with a brief description of the underlying facts and procedural history.
The judgment is affirmed.

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