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Chapman v. Cal.State Personnel Bd.
This is the third appeal arising from the decision of California State University at San Marcos (CSU) to terminate Assistant Professor Barbara S. Chapman for unprofessional conduct and failure or refusal to perform the normal and reasonable duties of her position because she did not teach her assigned course on seven days between August and September 2000. (Ed. Code, S 89535 subds. (b) and (f).) Chapman appealed to the State Personnel Board (SPB). The administrative law judge (ALJ) issued a proposed decision that sustained CSU's termination of Chapman. The SPB subsequently adopted the ALJ's decision. Chapman filed a petition for writ of ordinary mandate and administrative mandate seeking to set aside the SPB decision and restore her employment with CSU. The trial court issued a judgment denying the petition. (Code of Civ. Proc., SS 1085 and 1094.5.)
Chapman advances several reasons for her contention that the SPB erred in sustaining CSU's termination of her employment. All of Chapman's contentions are barred by res judicata or unsupported by the evidence. Court affirm.

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