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Brenda L. v. Superior Court
Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 8.452, Brenda L. seeks review of the order scheduling a permanency planning hearing for her two daughters, Brianna G. (now age two), and Savannah G. (now age one). (Welf. and Inst. Code, S 366.26.) They were the youngest of Brenda's six children none of whom she has raised. Brianna was born with spina bifida. Both children were taken into protective custody at birth and declared dependent children due to Brenda's 22 year history of drug use (and attendant lengthy criminal record and frequent incarcerations), and refusal to properly treat and manage her own prenatal health problem with gestational diabetes. During the reunification period, when not incarcerated, Brenda maintained regular visitation and completed a drug treatment program and a parenting class. But, she repeatedly missed drug tests and lacked demonstrated parenting capabilities most significant of which was a lack of interest in or understanding of Brianna's medical needs. In this proceeding, Brenda challenges the court's findings: (1) that she failed to make substantial progress in overcoming the problems that led to the children's detention; (2) that she failed to substantially comply or make progress with her service plan; and (3) that reasonable reunification services were offered. Court conclude there is sufficient evidence to support the findings and deny her petition.

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