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P. v. Frazier
Returning home one afternoon, a couple found their home "a complete disaster" with drawers pulled open and everything "dumped on the floor" and saw Eric Shannon Frazier and someone else fleeing through a window. A jury found Frazier guilty as charged of first degree residential burglary (SS 459, 460, subd. (a)), grand theft of personal property (S 487, subd. (a)), grand theft of a firearm (S 487, subd. (d)(2)), felon in possession of a firearm (S 12021, subd. (a)(1)), and felon in possession of ammunition (S 12316, subd. (b)(1)). The court imposed an aggregate 4 year sentence (the 4 year middle term on the first degree residential burglary and the 2 year middle terms stayed on each of the other crimes).
On appeal, Frazier raises two challenges to the judgment of conviction of grand theft of personal property (insufficiency of the evidence and ineffective assistance of counsel) and one challenge to the judgment of conviction of first degree residential burglary (worktime credit error). Court affirm the judgment.

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